Monday, June 22, 2009

People's Day of Reckoning

Photo by Riya Bhattacharjee of The Berkeley Daily Planet

Lost Services
become Lost Lives
The California Budget

is Killing Me!!

June 23, 2009

11:00am - 3:00pm
San Francisco
City Hall to
the Governor's
455 Golden Gate Ave

California's safety net is rendered and torn -
we must fight to restore

benefits lost and fight to keep what remains.

As we celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Olmstead supreme court
decision - that community living is a civil right guaranteed under the Americans
with Disabilities Act - we must not lose the supports and services that
make community living possible.

Our Homes - Our Dignity - Our Civil Rights

Sacramento must stop the shell game - where California's vast resources
are segregated into "protected" pockets - and only the general fund is
subject to the vagaries of the economy and the budget process.

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