In a natural disaster like the Haitian earthquake, people with disabilities suffer the highest death rate. Moreover, for every person killed, three more are likely to become disabled.
We talk to Portlight Strategies, a grassroots group providing supplies and support for disabled Haitians.
Paul Timmons & friend with hospital beds
& other supplies ready to load.
We also talk to Karla Gilbride,
an attorney from
whose settlement* with the
City of Oakland brings
people with disabilities
firmly into Oakland's
planning for disasters.
What helps prevent death and injury to those who live
disability during an emergency? How can we support Haitian people with disabilities after an earthquake that killed two hundred thousand people?
Adrienne Lauby and Shelley Berman
pose the questions.
wheelchair with seat
repaired with a lawnchair
photo from:
DRA Logo
Local shoe drive for Haiti:
A shoe drive for Haiti is accepting new and “almost new” shoes for the next two months. Askanez will collect them at 1317 San Pablo, any evening except Monday. The HUP Foundation (with local help) will ship and distribute them.