Saturday, December 26, 2009

It's The Attitude

Listen 28 min

If you are one of these people, you should listen to this show:

Do you often know more than your doctor?

Do you freeze up when someone says, ”How are you?”

Have you ever done something

you know will make you sick?

Do you believe you personally

caused your own illness

or other problem?

Do you believe your disability

or other problems were caused

by the Great Sea Monkey?

Do you have cancer or know someone with cancer?

Do you hate chess?

Have you ever had to fight

with a drug or insurance company?

Do you like to laugh?

Carolyn's book recommendations:

Illness as a Metaphor

Susan Sontag

A Spot of Bother

Mark Hadden

Carolyn Epple, who lives

with bladder cancer and

chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy

(and happens to be a cultural anthropologist)

joins Shelley Berman &

Adrienne Lauby, the Asthmatic Amazon,

in the studio.

Halloween photos courtesy of

Redwood Rainbow Square Dance Club

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Reckoned and the Reckoning

Listen 28 min.

Drawing by Neil Marcus

We celebrate Winter Solstice,
the day the earth turns back to the light.

George Louie
one of the plaintiffs in the Contra Costa pedestrian access lawsuit,
speaks frankly about his role
in this controversial case.

In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) activists
Tom Ross
Carman Rivera-Hendrickson
Kenneth C. Johnson
Cheryl Powell Smith

Shelley Berman, Eddie Ytuarte, Leah Gardner, and Adrienne Lauby
send out year-end honors,
raspberries to the inexcusable,
blueberries to the indestructible.

Janus (or Ianus), the Roman god of gates, doorways, beginnings and endings

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Archives Return
Want to hear a past program from Pushing Limits? Just click on the title to the right! (This is part of our effort to revive the archives we lost early this year.)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dancing With Disability

Listen (29 min.)
This program is dedicated
to the memory of Peggy Hecker,
long time Pushing Limits member,
who died earlier this year.

The complex history of the word cripple

How to include

people with verbal, cognitive,

developmental, emotional

and other discounted disabilities

The story of a disabled woman

powering a diesel truck

through the Australian desert

Excerpts from a steamy love story called Cripple Poetics.

Wha Hoo!

Performance artists and poets join us in the studio!

Neil Marcus

Petra Kuppers

Amber DiPietra

Audio describer, Lakshmi Fjord

Produced by Adrienne Lauby


by Amber DiPietra

Set to music and sung by Mindy Dillard

A seashore inside her, she is


in the shallows

of a short

nap's trip


and when

you put your arm leg hand near

enough to mine all my

cheek cells will come wading, swinging

lanterns and singing, out to

meet you


Somatics/Expression Disability Culture Workshops

with Neil Marcus and Petra Kuppers

Two Sundays, December 20 & 27, 2009, 3-5 pm

Subterranean Arthouse,

2179 Bancroft Way, Berkeley,

Suggested donation: $15.

no one turned away for lack of funds.

Next Performance
March 19th at 8pm.

Subterranean Arthouse,

2179 Bancroft Way, Berkeley,

Neil played a clip from the 1950 film

Cyrano de Bergerac

and joined José Ferrer in this statement:

No thank you, no, I thank you,

and again I thank you.

Neil & Jose: To sing, To laugh

To walk in my own way

free with an eye to see things as they are

Neil: A Poet!

A voice that means manhood.

To [put?] my head where I choose.

Not a word, a Yes,

Neil & Jose: a No

To fight

Neil and Jose: for right

But never to make a line

I have not heard in my own heart.

Original air date: December 4, 2009